Wednesday, August 5, 2020

Global Accelerator

Global Accelerator
-         AWS Global Accelerator is a networking service that helps you improve the availability and performance of the applications that you offer to your global users
-         AWS Global Accelerator provides you with a set of static IP addresses that are anycast from the AWS edge network. If you bring your own IP address range to AWS (BYOIP), you can instead assign static IP addresses from your own pool to use with your accelerator
-         AWS Global Accelerator and Amazon CloudFront are separate services that use the AWS global network and its edge locations around the world. CloudFront improves performance for both cacheable content (such as images and videos) and dynamic content (such as API acceleration and dynamic site delivery). Global Accelerator improves performance for a wide range of applications over TCP or UDP by proxying packets at the edge to applications running in one or more AWS Regions. Global Accelerator is a good fit for non-HTTP use cases, such as gaming (UDP), IoT (MQTT), or Voice over IP

After using AWS Global Accelerator
-         Source:

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