Wednesday, November 4, 2020

GCP to AWS - multi-provider file copy

I was recently asked to look into the effort involved in implementing an outbound file copy interface between an on-premise proprietary application and public cloud storage.
       A number of items needed clarification: nature of connectivity between the on-premise and the cloud, security and encryption requirements, expected frequency of transfers, the anticipated file size, etc. 
While the questions were pending, a quick POC was performed f
or illustrative purposes. Terraform was used to:
       -         deploy a RHEL compute instance on Google Private Cloud
        o   run latest OS updates
        o   obtain and install AWS Command Line binaries
        o   supply credentials needed to connect to a specific AWS account
        o   install pip, python 3.6 and boto3
-         deploy a python script to transfer files onto S3
-         create a new custom S3 bucket on AWS
-         run the script on the GCP instance to pick up contents of a file from /var/log and transfer in into the specified S3 bucket

provider "aws" {
  region =
  access_key = file("../Credentials/AWS/access_key.txt")
  secret_key = file("../Credentials/AWS/secret_key.txt")

provider "google" {
  credentials = file("../Credentials/GCP/redhat-295420-769720b20d99.json")
  project     = "redhat-295420"
  region      = var.gcp-region

# Terraform plugin for creating random ids
resource "random_id" "instance_id" {
 byte_length = 8

A single Compute Engine instance
resource "google_compute_instance" "default" {
 name         = "rhel-vm-${random_id.instance_id.hex}"
 machine_type = "f1-micro"
 zone         = "us-west1-a"
 boot_disk {
    initialize_params {
      image = "rhel-7-v20201112"

Make sure rhel is installed on all new instances for later steps
metadata_startup_script = "yum update"
 network_interface {
   network = "default"
   access_config {
     // Include this section to give the VM an external ip address

 # install prerequisites
 provisioner "file" {
   source      = ""
   destination = "/tmp/"

 # copy over python script that performs S3 transfer
 provisioner "file" {
   source      = ""
   destination = "/tmp/"

 # copy over the AWS credenials file
 provisioner "file" {
   source      = "credentials"
   destination = "/tmp/credentials"

 # initiate the transfer script
 # remove exta characters that might have been added by Windows editor
 provisioner "remote-exec" {
   inline = [
     "chmod +x /tmp/",
     "tr -d '\r' < /tmp/ > /tmp/",
     "chmod +x /tmp/",
     "sh /tmp/ ${var.log_file_name} ${var.bucket_name}",

 connection {
   type = "ssh"
   user = "${var.gcp_user_name}"
   private_key = file("../Credentials/GCP/legacy_key")
   host = google_compute_instance.default.network_interface.0.access_config.0.nat_ip

# Create a public IP address for our google compute instance to utilize
resource "google_compute_address" "static" {
  name = "vm-public-address"

A variable for extracting the external IP address of the instance
output "ip" {
 value = google_compute_instance.default.network_interface.0.access_config.0.nat_ip

resource "aws_s3_bucket" "import_file_store" {
  bucket = var.bucket_name
  acl    = "private"
  tags = {
    Name        = "Source"
    Environment = "GCP"

import logging
import boto3
import sys
from botocore.exceptions import ClientError

def upload_file(file_name, bucket, object_name=None):
    """Upload a file to an S3 bucket
    :param file_name: File to upload
    :param bucket: Bucket to upload to
    :param object_name: S3 object name. If not specified then file_name is used
    :return: True if file was uploaded, else False
    # If S3 object_name was not specified, use file_name
    if object_name is None:
        object_name = file_name
    # Upload the file
    s3_client = boto3.client('s3')
        response = s3_client.upload_file(file_name, bucket, object_name)
    except ClientError as e:
        return False
    return True

def main():

    file_path_name = sys.argv[1]
    bucket         = sys.argv[2]
    object_name    = file_path_name.split('/')[-1]

    if file_path_name != "" and bucket != "":
       upload_file(file_path_name, bucket, object_name)


mkdir $HOME/.aws
mv /tmp/credentials $HOME/.aws/.
export PATH="$HOME/.local/bin:$PATH"
sudo yum -y install python3
curl -O ""
python3 --user
sudo yum -y install unzip
curl "" -o ""
sudo ./aws/install
pip install boto3
sudo cat /var/log/$1>/tmp/$1
python3 /tmp/ "/tmp/$1" "$2"

      The upload script was based on the AWS boto3 example:

A more comprehensive transfer example featuring multi-part upload, a callback routine and more is available here:

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