Friday, September 3, 2021

Application Programming Interface

API - "APIs are mechanisms that enable two software components to communicate with each other using a set of definitions and protocols. For example, the weather bureau’s software system contains daily weather data. The weather app on your phone “talks” to this system via APIs and shows you daily weather updates on your phone."

In simple terms - "you tell a program that you don't own to run"


  • Use the program - don't write it
  • Platform independent
  • Upgrade safe

  • I - Interface, from where you telling the program to run
    • Ex: app
  • P - what task that is being done/what does the program do
    • example: search, send message, etc.
  • A - what software has the program being run
    • WhatsApp, WAZE

Web Service - API that uses the internet

XML, JSON format


HTTP Request (and response) contains:

  • Start line
    • Method
    • API Program folder - optional
    • Parameters - optional
    • HTTP Version
  • Header
  • Blank line
  • Body




Start Line


API Program folder - optional

Parameters - optional

HTTP Version

HTTP Version

Status Code


General-header: These header fields have general applicability for both request and response messages.

Client Request-header: These header fields have applicability only for request messages.

Entity-header: These header fields define meta information about the entity-body or, if no body is present, about the resource identified by the request.

Server Response-header: These header fields have applicability only for response messages.

Blank line

Divider b/w headers and body



Contain: image, data, video, etc.

See Header field Content-type



HTTP Codes

Idempotent - safe to repeat, POST is the only idempotent method


  • Stateless
  • Scalable
  • Resilient

XML, JSON - formats of transferring data over HHTP

XML - eXtnesible Markup Language

  • HTTP Header line: Content-Type: application/xml
  • HTTP Body: XML


  • Both have tags
  • XML is extensible - can add your own tags, tags are used to describe data
  • HTML - tags are pre-set, can't add
  • XML was created by W3C -
  • XSD - XML Schema definition, i.e. can drive your won XML format

JSON - part of Java script that transfers data


  • 1980 - SUN RPC
  • 1998 - XML-RPC
  • 1999 - SOAP
  • 2000 - REST


  • SOAP is a Protocol. REST is an Architectural Style

SOAP - Simple Object Access Protocol

  • A way to access a web service using pre-defined rules
  • SOAP always uses Web, HTTP

Uses WSDL  - Web Service Description Language (XML)

  • Start Line: POST WSDL HTTP Version
  • Hader Line: Context-Type: text/xml
  • Blank line
  • Body: XML envelope formed using WSDL

Created by W3C - thus use of XML

NOTE: Method is never used and is defaulted to POST

REST - REpresentational State Transfer

No rules (unlike SOAP)

  • Start Line - Method is used in Start Line, ex:
    • GET - Read
    • POST - Create
    • PUT - Update (delete and replace)
    • DELETE - Delete
  • This is the key differentiator from SOAP. With SOAP need to follow WSDL, etc.
  • Header Line - All
  • Blank Line
  • Body - JSON, XML, Image, etc.
  • Created by Roy Fielding

Stateful vs Stateless

  • SOAP can be both stateful and stateless, depending on how it's implemented
    • Relies in HTTP for state Handling 
  • REST is stateless
    • Each message needs to contain all parameters needed for the program to run




Protocol vs. Architectural Style

Protocol - strict set of rules for structuring messages (XML)

Architectural Style - uses web standards and HTTP methods (such as GET, POST, PUT, DELETE) for communication. Does not mandate strict message format like SOAP

Message Format

 Typically XML-based, verbose

Formats vary: JSON, XML, HTML, plain text. JSON is the most common


Can be both stateful and stateless. can be both stateful and stateless

Stateless. Each message needs to contain all parameters needed for the program to run


Has a set of standardized protocols and specifications - WSDL 

Does not have a single set of standards. Uses web standards like HTTP, can have various authentication and security mechanisms.


Messages tend to be larger due to XML formatting resulting  more b/width use

Messages are more lightweight - more efficient in performance

Ease of Use

More complex due to the strict standards and the XML message format; often requires specialized libraries or toolkits

Easier to use and understand; uses simpler data formats like JSON

 Authentication vs. Authorization





No Auth



Google search

Basic Auth



email acct

Bearer Token



Token-based authentication mechanism. Bearer keyword a token - proof of the client's identity and permissions

OAuth (auth on the originating app)



WAZE app - authorize app to use your location only, not photos, etc.





Common Application Types:

  • Native
    • Built directly on the OS
    • Accesses OS APIs
    • Fastest performing
    • Costly to build
  • Web
    • Runs within a browser
    • Uses HTML - looks like a webpage
    • Google, YouTube, Wikipedia
    • Least costly
  • Hybrid
    • 1 - Has both capabilities - w/in a browser or OS calls directly
    • 2 - Accesses APIs via middleware

OAuth - Open Authorization

  • RFC Note 6749 -
  • Allows 3rd party limited access to a web (HTTPS) service
  • Introduces authorization layer - 3rd party gets an access token (not username/pwd)

Protocol Flow

  • Client->Resource Owner: Authorization Request
  • Resource Owner->Client: Authorization Grant
  • Client->Auth Server: Authorization Grant
  • Auth Server->Client: Access Token
  • Client->Resource Server: Access Token
  • Resource Server->Client: Protected Resource 

Authorization Grant Types

  • Authorization Code - request authorization from Auth Server (most used)
  • Implicit
  • Resource Owner
  • Client Credentials

Access Token vs Refresh Token

  • Refresh Token is used to acquire a new Access Token

Client Registration

Authorization Code Grant


OpenID Connect

  • A way for the client to obtain info about the Resource Owner
  • Not part of RFC Note 6749

Protocol Flow

  • Client->Resource Owner: Authorization Request
  • Resource Owner->Client: Authorization Grant
  • Client->Auth Server: Authorization Grant
  • Auth Server->Client: Access Token + ID Token
  • Client->Resource Server: Access Token + ID Token
  • Resource Server->Client: Protected Resource

ID Token is usually JWT. See

Other Authentication Methods

  • Basic - Username/pwd (encrypted, base 64) over the internet; security concern
  • Digest - using a digest; need secret key to decode the digest; can be sent over HTTP
  • Bearer Token - using an API using a token; token needs to be kept secured; need to use HTTPS; see RFC 6750 and;


Web Hooks

  • Reverse API - an API event that results in an event directed into Owner/Client. Ex: suspicious logon - security SMS sent


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