Wednesday, November 24, 2021

Snowflake on AWS - deep dive

User roles

  1. ACCOUNTADMIN – top level, should be granted to minimal number of users
  2. ORGADMIN – to be used with specific customer accounts
  3. SYSADMIN – create warehouses/databases/etc.; grant privileges on warehouses/databases/etc. Default role on first login.
  4. PUBLIC – automatically granted to every user/role
  5. SECURITYADMIN – monitor/manage users and roles
  6. USERADMIN – create users/roles
There is a small number of system-defined roles in a Snowflake account. Users with appropriate access can alter the system-defined roles and can also create custom roles. System-Defined Roles ACCOUNTADMIN (aka Account Administrator) Role that encapsulates the SYSADMIN and SECURITYADMIN system-defined roles. It is the top-level role in the system and should be granted only to a limited/controlled number of users in your account. SECURITYADMIN (aka Security Administrator) can manage any object grant globally, as well as create, monitor, and manage users and roles. 


Three conceptual layers:
  • Cloud services – independent scalable services; brain of the system; monitors and optimizes tasks
  • Query processing – Virtual warehouse; performs massive parallel processing; automatically scales; muscle of the system
  • Database storage – hybrid columnar storage

Virtual Warehouse – Scaling Policies

  • Standard – minimize queueing by starting additional clusters. Will shut down new clusters after 2-3 consecutive checks determining the load on least-busy cluster can be redistributed to existing clusters
  • Economy – favors saving credits over starting additional clusters. Might result in query queuing. Will start a new cluster only if its estimated busy time >= 6 min. Will shut down new clusters after 5-6 consecutive checks


  • Compute and Storage costs are separated. Billing is based on credits
  • Credits<->$ rate depends on Snowflake edition use.
  • Editions: Standard, Enterprise, Business Critical, Virtual Private. Free Trial account provides $400 worth of credits:
  • See latest Credit balance under “Account” with ACCOUNTADMIN role
  • Storage:
    • On-demand – flat per TB charge with a minimum of approx. $23-$40. Varies per region.
    • Pre-purchased - requires $ commitment per month, approx. $23 minimum
    • See Pricing guide for exact numbers
  • Virtual Warehouse / Compute:
    • Sizes: from X-SMALL to 4X-LARGE. The large the size - the faster the query runs
    • Sleep mode – consume no credits
    • Billed by second, one min minimum
    • Prices can vary per cloud provider/region/Snowflake edition
  • Cloud Services:
    • Typical level of utilization (up to 10% of daily credits) is free
  • Data Transfer:
    • Charges apply for data move between regions or cloud providers
    • Data import (ex: external lake) may incur a charge

Cost optimization

  • Choose Region wisely to minimize latency
  • If need to move to another region – beware of data of transfer charges
  • Use ‘Auto Suspension’ and ‘Auto Resume’ on clusters
  • Monitor cost on account/warehouse/table level to prevent overspend
  • Store data compressed
  • Store data/timestamp columns as such and not as varchar
  • Use transient tables where possible (be aware of only 1 day of time travel and no fail safe)

Resource monitors

  • Can be set by account admin to control the credit spend
  • Can trigger alert notifications
  • Properties
    • Credit quota – set on specific frequency/interval
    • Schedule – frequency (at which to reset the limit), stat time, end time
    • Monitor level – check credits for entire account or a specific warehouse; if not set – spend is not monitored
  • Actions / triggers
    • Notify & Suspend – send notification and suspend after all statements are run
    • Notify & Suspend Immediately – send notification and suspend cancelling all running statements
    • Notify - send notification, perform no other action
    • Suspending w/house takes some time – even when suspending immediately
    • Once a w/house is suspended by a monitor – remains suspended until either:
      • Next period start
      • Credit quota is increased
      • Suspend threshold is increased
      • W/house is no longer assigned to the monitor
      • Monitor is dropped
  • Create a monitor via console:
  • Create monitor via code:

use role accountadmin;


create or replace resource monitor warehouseMonitor with credit_quota=25

   triggers on 60 percent do notify

            on 80 percent do notify

            on 100 percent do suspend

            on 120 percent do suspend_immediate;

  • Associate the monitor with a warehouse:

alter warehouse compute_wh set resource_monitor = warehouseMonitor;

  • Create and associate an account-level the monitor:

create resource monitor accountMonitor with credit_quota=1000

  triggers on 100 percent do suspend;

alter account set resource_monitor = accountMonitor;

  • IMPORTANT: a single motor can be assigned to multiple w/houses. A w/house can have only one monitor.
  • Notifications / Monitors
    • Set via
    • Choices are: Web, Email, All, None
  • Splitting up large tables into independent chunks
    • Pros: Improves scalability and performance
    • Cons: maintenance overhead, data skewness, patriots can grow disproportionally
  • Micro-partitions in Snowflake – columnar, 50MB to 500MB of uncompressed data
  • Columnar storage:
    • Rows divided equally among micro-partitions
    • Data is sorted and stored by column
  • Cloud Services layer contains metadata on each partition – range of values, number of distinct, properties used for efficient querying, etc.
  • Micro-partitions are created automatically by Snowflake, up to 500MB each in size (before compression)
  • Values in multiple partitions can overlap – to prevent skewness
  • Columns are compressed individually – Snowflake picks most appropriate algorithm for each case
  • Data is written into partitions as and when it is inserted into the table
Data Clustering
  • Done to sort/order data to optimize retrieval
  • Cluster contains metadata for each underlying partition – done to avoid extra scanning of each micro-partition at query time:
    • Number of partitions that comprise a table
    • Number of partitions tar extracted form dhat contain overlapping data
    • Depth of overlapping micro-partitions
  • Clustering depth:

  • Clustering key:
    • subset of columns in a table OR expressions on a table (ex: year extracted from date)
    • used when querying large tables
    • OR when data overlapping among partitions is large
  • Clustering can be computationally expensive
  • Re-clustering is automatic – re-org the data to move related data physically closer to improve performance; consumes credits; can be explicitly disabled
Query History
    • 14 days of history is available for viewing
    • Can download previous 24 hours of result sets
    • Can view queries of others on same account but not results
  • Fast – will fetch row count form metadata


  • Slower – will fetch the actual data from data store


  • Results get cached; subsequent queries will be faster
 Query 1 vs Query 2 
  • Hint – if Size column under History is populated, means data was fetched from storage
  • From worksheet's results area
    • Copy - TSV format
    • Download – TSV, CSV formats
    • Saves cost, speeds up performance.
      • Metadata cache – holds object info, stats; never dropped
      • Results – query results; stores for up to 24 hrs
      • Warehouse cache – holds data locally as long as w/house is running
  • Viewable under History
  • Can not view other user’s cached data, but queries for one user can re-use cached results from other users
  • Can re-use to optimize retravel is certain conditions are met – see link above
  • Can query from the cache:


select  cp_Department, cp_catalog_page_id, cp_start_date_sk, cp_end_date_sk, cp_Description

    from table(result_scan(last_query_id()))

  where cp_catalog_page_sk < 6;


  • Objects and types:
  • Tables:
    • Permanent
      • default table type - created for longer term storage
      • feature data propitiation and recovery mechanisms
      • greater number of retention days as compared to temp / transient tables
      • fail-safe period of 7 days
      • time travel can be up to 90 days (on Enterprise Edition only)
      • note that no specific keyword (e.g., PERMANENT) is needed to create a table


    • Temporary
      • used for non-permanent data 
      • exists/persist only w/in the session - data is purged at session end
      • non-visible to other users
      • do not support cloning
      • can have temp and non-temp tables with the same name within single schema. Temp table take precedence

create or replace TEMPORARY table EXAMPLE_TABLE_TEMP(custom_id number,

                     custom_field_1 date,

                     custom_field_2 varchar(10),

                     custom_field_3 number,

                     custom_field_ number);

    • Transient
      • persist until dropped
      • very similar to permanent tables - but feature no fail-safe period
      • used for data that does not require same level pf persistence/protection as in permanent tables
      • contribute to the overall storage billing 
      • can have transient / database / schema / table. If a db is defined is transient - all schemas/tables are transient as well
      • data retention (travel) - up to 1 day (both Standard and Enterprise editions)








      • Can use COPY GRANTS to inherits any explicit access privileges granted on the original table but not inherit any future grants defined for the object type in the schema
      • If COPY GRANTS isn't specified, then the new object clone does not inherit any privileges granted on the object; inherits any future grants

Time Travel
  • Set Retention Period property to enable
    • Standard Edition - 1 day of travel (automatically enabled); can be set to 0; on account and object levels
    • Enterprise - up to 90 days; for transient / permanent - default 1 day, but can reset to 0; for permanent - can be set to 0-90

create or replace table my_awesome_table(custom_id number,

                     custom_field_1 number,

                     custom_field_2 number)


alter table my_awesome_table set data_retention_time_in_days=30;

  • Can set Retention Period higher up on the account or the database level. Changes to it would apply to all underlying objects unless explicitly set
  • Fail-Safe zone - internal Snowflake backup not accessible to end user; used to ensure data persistence
  • If need to extract from Fail-Safe (rare occasion) - need to contact Snowflake directly
  • Time travel allows:
    • query data that has been updated/deleted
    • clone entire tables/schemas/dbs from at or before the specific points in the past
    • restore dropped objects
  • Once travel period has elapsed - data is moved into Fail-Safe
  • Querying the history
    • Query for data as of a specific time

select * from my_awesome_table before(timestamp => '2021-10-24 20:50:28.944 +0000'::timestamp);

    • Query for data as of 20 min ago

select * from my_awesome_table at(offset => -60*20);

    • Query for data up to but not including changes made by the specified statement (see how to obtain statement id below)

select * from my_awesome_table before(statement => '<insert statement id here>');

  • Restoring from history
    • Restore into a new table data as-of-time from the original table

create table my_restored_table clone my_original_table at(timestamp => '2021-10-24 20:50:28.944 +0000'::timestamp);

    • Create a restore of a schema as of 20 min ago

create schema restored_schema clone original_schema at(offset => -60*20);

    • Restore a database to a state prior to execution of a particular statement

create database restored_db clone original_db before(statement => '<insert statement id here>');

  • Restoring dropped data
    • Dropped data isn't immediately removed. It is kept recoverable for the length of the retention period and subsequently moved into Fail-safe. Recover from Fail-safe isn't available to the end user. Can use show <object type e.g. table> history to see recoverable tables (see DROPPED_ON column on console)

drop table my_db.my_schema.my_awesome_table ;

show tables history like '%awesome%' in my_db.my_schema;

undrop table my_db.my_schema.my_awesome_table ;

    • Undrop will fail of an object with the same name exists

Fail Safe
  • Data can only be recovered by Snowflake. Ex: h/ware failure, AZ or Region outage
  • It aims to minimize the downside of traditionally backup approach:
    • time required to load data
    • business downtime during recovery
    • loss of data since last backup
  • Begins where Time Travel ends
  • Transient - 0 days; Permanent - 7 days
  • Full database snapshots are sent to Fail Safe - need to be careful to control costs
  • Best practice - use transient tables for non-prod to minimize expenditure
  • To check Fail Safe storage used - see Account->Average Storage Used->Fail Safe. Need to be logged in as ACCOUNTADMIN or SECURITYADMIN


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