Sunday, July 12, 2020

Aurora - Serverless

Aurora - Serverless
-         Derivative of Aurora
-         Good for infrequent unpredictable workloads
-         Specify Aurora capacity units – CPU and memory amount needed
-         AWS keeps a set of warm DB instances, uses PrivateLink to connect those into your VPC
-         ProxyFleet used to scale and connect in the client apps. TLS/SSL for app connections
-         Shuts down automatically when not in use
-         ACU – Aurora Capacity Unit. Provide Min and Max. Charged per ACU only. 10GiB-64GiB
-         Connections idle for 5 min – shut down (behavior can be changed)
-         Good for – multi-tenant apps, testing, unpredictable workloads
-         Cluster volumes are always encrypted – can choose to use your own key
-         Failover
          §  Serverless available in Single AZ only
          §  If fails – re-creates DB from scratch in another AZ (multi-AZ failover)
          §  NEGATIVE: Time-lag, takes longer than Aurora Provisioned Cluster
          §   Reason failover time is undefined – depends on demand and capacity in other AZs
-         Can create snapshots from Serverless – need to use your own KMS
-         Can retrieve from a snapshot into Serverless

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