Monday, July 13, 2020

SNS - Simple Notification Service

SNS - Simple Notification Service
-         A web service that coordinates and manages the delivery or sending of messages to subscribing endpoints or clients
-         There are two types of clients—publishers and subscribers—also referred to as producers and consumers. Publishers communicate asynchronously with subscribers by producing and sending a message to a topic, which is a logical access point and communication channel. Subscribers (that is, web servers, email addresses, Amazon SQS queues, AWS Lambda functions) consume or receive the message or notification over one of the supported protocols (that is, Amazon SQS, HTTP/S, email, SMS, Lambda) when they are subscribed to the topic
-         Fully managed push notifications (vs SQS – which is pull)
-         Usage based pricing

-         Topic – 256 alphanumeric chars, unique; has ARN – Amazon Resource Name. You control who has access to it
-         Publisher sends a message to the topic. SNS matches the topic to list of subscribers
-         Delivery method – driven on subscriber: SMS, Email, Email as JSON, HTTP/HTTPS
-         Can send to SQS – write to a queue (to multiple queues)
-         Can integrate with Lambda
-         Can send Push Notifications to Mobile devices – user has to agree to receive:
          § ADM – Amazon device Messaging
          § APNS – Apple Push Notification Service
          § GCM – Google Cloud Messaging
          § WNS – Windows Push Notification Service (Win 8+, Win Phone 8.1+)
          § WPNS – Windows Push Notification Service (Win 7+)

-         Can send notification to ALL subscribes or to one
-         CloudTrail can be enabled to deliver logs of API calls to a S3 bucket:
          § SNS API Caller
          § Source IP
          § Time of API call
          § Request parameters
          § Response elements

-         At least 3 copies of a topic created in multiple AZ in SAME Region
-         Posting done via AWS infra
-         API calls are secured via the account's Secret Key
-         Default – only topic owner can write to topic; can permit others
-         Subscribes – can be with or w/out AWS ID
-         Encryption On/Off option - means encryption of messages at res

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