Monday, July 13, 2020

S3 - Server Side Encryption

SSE - Server Side Encryption
-         Can use client-side encryption – send in encrypted already
-         SSE
encryption done by S3 right before storing; unencrypted for download
-         Only one encryption type per object at the time:

S3-managed key
          §  Unique key per object
          §  Keys are encrypted using Master Key (rotated regularly)
          §  AES-256
          §  No extra charge
Encryption process:
          §  KMS generates data key – encrypts it using master key (yours@KMS or KMS default one)
          §  KMS provides encrypted key and plaintext key to S3
          §  S2 encrypts data w plaintext key, stores encrypted object, deletes plaintext key
Decryption process:
          §  S3 sends encrypted key to KMS
          §  KMS decrypts and returns the key to S3
          §  S3 decrypts the data and returns to user

-         AWS KMS uses CMK to encrypt objects
-         Can use the default CMK or create one
          §  Creating your own CMK lets you manage it - rotate, disable, define access
          §  Can audit keys used
-         Separate envelope key used to encrypt object encryption keys (CloudTrail)
Encryption process:
          §  Upload object, send request to KMS to create object key
          §  Upon the first encryption a default CMK is created

-         Client's key imported into S3 service
-         S3 uses customer's key to encrypt
-         AWS does not store client provided encryption keys - deletes
-         Lose key = lose data
-         No extra charge

Static website hosting
-         AWS Website Endpoints in Regions
-         S3-website-<region>
-         No HTTPS, only HTTP
-         HTTP HEAD or GET for objects
-         If no object requested, returns your default HTML

-         API Endpoints in Regions
-         An Amazon S3 website endpoint is optimized for access from a web browser. The following table summarizes the key differences between a REST API endpoint and a website endpoint

Pre-signed URL
-         Allows for downloading or uploading an object w no AWS credentials. SDK Java / .Net, Aws Explorer for Visual Studio
-         Can configure bucket to redirect to a URL. Request for an object – redirect to another obj / URL

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