Monday, July 20, 2020


AWS Batch
-         enables you to run batch computing workloads on the AWS Cloud
-         removes the undifferentiated heavy lifting of configuring and managing the required infrastructure, similar to traditional batch computing software
-         regional service, simplifies running batch jobs across multiple Availability Zones
-         supports any job that can be run as a Docker container
-         can take on workloads of any scale
-         user can specify the memory and CPUs to be used
-         Jobs - A unit of work (such as a shell script, a Linux executable, or a Docker container image). It runs as a containerized application on an Amazon EC2 instance in your compute environment, using parameters that you specify in a job definition.
-         Job definitions - specifies how jobs to be run; can attach IAM Role with specific permissions, specify which Docker image to use, how many resources to allocate, what parameters are to be passed in
-         Jobs queue – a job is submitted into a queue; one or more compute environments can be associated with a queue
-         Scheduler – evaluates the queue contents
-         Compute Environment - EC2 insistence
-         CloudWatch is available for Batch. Can do:
          §  Build custom dashboards
          §  Monitor progress of jobs
          §  Build complex workflows with dependencies
          §  Triger off a CloudWatch target – Lambda, SQS, SNS, Kinesis Data Stream OR another Batch job
-         CloudTrail – all activity is logged

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