Sunday, July 12, 2020

RDS - Encryption, Replicas, Billing, Scaling, Monitoring

Security and Encryption
You can only enable encryption for an Amazon RDS DB instance when you create it, not after the DB instance is created. However, because you can encrypt a copy of an unencrypted DB snapshot, you can effectively add encryption to an unencrypted DB instance. That is, you can create a snapshot of your DB instance, and then create an encrypted copy of that snapshot. You can then restore a DB instance from the encrypted snapshot, and thus you have an encrypted copy of your original DB instance
-         Also:
          §  Create a new encrypted DB, migrate data over
          §  Create a new encrypted DB, restore from backup
-         SSL supported on communication w App instances
-         RDS will generate the SSL certificate
-         Support encryption at rest using AWS KMS (key management system):
          §  Snapshots
          §  Backups
          §  Data at storage
          §  Data replicas created from DB
-         Use IAM to control access to RDS API; assign individual IAM credentials to each user; change credential regularly

Read Replicas
-         If you need to run an intense query, or I/O capacity is reaching limits – scale read's, shift your reads onto another source
-         Or need to read while source is unavailable
-         Replica – created from Primary; asynchronous continuous txn replication - time lag on updates.
-         Primary needs to have Automatic Backups enabled - back up retention >0
-         Can’t write to Replica
-         Multi-Region and Mulilt-AZ:
          §  Can have replicas in same or another AZ – can specify replica AZ
          §  Can have replicas in another REGION
-         Read replicas are available in Amazon RDS for MySQLMariaDBPostgreSQL and Oracle as well as Amazon Aurora.
-         Can have up to 5 replicas per source
-         Can size up Replica compared to source; can’t change DB engine type
-         Replica of a Replicaup to 4 DB's in a chain including the primary source. Write delay increases. Only available for MySQLMariaDB.
-         Delete source – replicas become stand-alone DB's. Replica or a Replica remains a replica.
-         Stop replication for 30 consecutive days - AWS 
terminates replication

Read scaling and disaster recovery

Can Promote Replica into another Region
-         Can Promote Replica to be a standalone DB. Will inherit:
          §  Backup retention period
          §  Backup window
          §  DB parameter group
          §  Can modify DB engine version / storage type
-         Transactional engine supported – InnoDB

-         No upfront cost.
-         Pay for:
          §  DB instance hours
          §  storage (GB/Month)
          §  IOPS/month
          §  Internet transfer
          §  Backup Storage (DB backups, snapshots)
          §  Multi-AZ DB – charged twice:
                  § Stand By run hours
                  § Stab By provisioned storage
                  § Double write I/O - replication
-         Free:
          §  Storage for automated RDS backups – up to the Provisioned instance's EBS vol size.
          §  AWS backs up into multiple AZ's for resilience – free back up storage is in a single AZ only, other AZ storage is chargeable.
          §  Data transfer during replication

Reserved DB Instances
          §  Region-specific, not AZ-specific
          §  1 to 3-year term options
          §  Reservation parameters: DB engine, DB Instance Class, Multi-AZ option, License Model, Region
          §  Cannot move Reserved Instances (RIs) b/w regions
          §  Can move b/w AZ's

-         Can change storage type or storage capacity on all engines except MySQL
-         For MySQL – take a snapshot and start on a new instance of different size/type, update app w new endpoint of MySQL
-         Can scale up – not down
-         Can scale up storage while RDS is running
-         Scaling compute (switching form one instance to another) requires downtime
-         Refresher, 3 things that cause downtime:
          §  Upgrading the DB version on both Primary and Stand By
          §  Changing DB parameters – if Multi-AZ – failover, if Standalone – downtime
          §  Scaling changes

-         Amazon RDS Events – Subscribe to Amazon RDS events to be notified when changes occur with a DB instance, DB snapshot, DB parameter group, or DB security group
-         Database log files – View, download, or watch database log files using the Amazon RDS console or Amazon RDS API operations
-         Amazon RDS Enhanced Monitoring — Look at metrics in real time for the operating system
-         Amazon RDS Performance Insights — Assess the load on your database, and determine when and where to take action
-         Amazon RDS Recommendations — Look at automated recommendations for database resources, such as DB instances, read replicas, and DB parameter groups
-         In addition, Amazon RDS integrates with Amazon CloudWatch, Amazon EventBridge, and AWS CloudTrail

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