Monday, July 20, 2020

Step Functions

Step Functions
-         SWF successor
-         enables you to coordinate the components of distributed applications and microservices using visual workflows
-         offers a graphical console to visualize the components of your application as a series of steps.
-         The service tracks each step and retries in case of failure
-         It is possible to change / add steps without writing code
-         Defines workflows in Amazon State Language
-         defines state machines (workflows) that contain series of steps, their relationships and in/outputs
-         Visual console uses colors highlighting the state of each step
-         Activity task (activity worker)– can be an application on EC2, on-premise, a mobile device
-         Service Task – how a step in a state machine (workflow) can connect to another supported AWS Service – it pushes requests to a service, awaits response, continues to next step
-         Step Functions Service can combine both Service ands Activity tasks, running on-premises or in the cloud
-         Integrates with:
          §  Lambda
          §  DynamoDB
          §  Batch
          §  SNS
          §  SQS
          §  Glue
          §  SageMaler

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