Sunday, July 12, 2020

RDS - BackUp and Restore

Back Ups
-        Automated backups occur daily during the preferred backup window. If the backup requires more time than allotted to the backup window, the backup continues after the window ends, until it finishes. The backup window can't overlap with the weekly maintenance window for the DB instance.
-         During the automatic backup window, storage I/O might be suspended briefly while the backup process initializes (typically under a few seconds). You might experience elevated latencies for a few minutes during backups for Multi-AZ deployments. For MariaDB, MySQL, Oracle, and PostgreSQL, I/O activity is not suspended on your primary during backup for Multi-AZ deployments, because the backup is taken from the standby. For SQL Server, I/O activity is suspended briefly during backup for Multi-AZ deployments.
-         If you don't specify a preferred backup window when you create the DB instance, Amazon RDS assigns a default 30-minute backup window. This window is selected at random from an 8-hour block of time for each AWS Region
-         Changes to back up window take effect immediately
-         Creates storage volume snapshot - backs up of the entire DB instance, not just individual DB
-         While you take a database snapshot (of a standalone instance without standby), the I/O operations to the RDS database instance are suspended for a few minutes while the backup is in progress.
-         Can make copies
-         RTO – Recover Time Objective – recover services within 1 hour
-         RPO – Recovery Point Objective – Recover in up to 10 min state prior to failure
-         Can select Multi-Region during creation – AWS will create a standby in the same region just different AZ and will perform SYNCHRONOUS replication

AWS RDS Automated Backup
-         Very low RPO
-         Backed up into multiple AZ's for resilience, in S3 – storage is chargeable
-         Labeled Automated for visibility
-         In Multi-AZ, take backup from StandBy
-         DB must be in Active state to auto back up to happen
-         Automated backups are currently supported for InnoDB storage engine for MySQL
-         AWS by default creates a daily back up. Deleted automatically when RDS instance is deleted.
-         Can't share automated backup. Make a copy – this will make it into manual, then share,
-         Backup retention: 7 days for Console-created DB (except Aurora – 1 day), 1 day for CLI created. Up to 35 days. 0 days = disable automatic backups.
-         Any change in Backup Retention period from 0 to non-0 or back causes an outage
-         Set backup retention to 0 = disable automated backup
-         Recovery:
          §  You can restore a DB instance to a specific point in time, creating a new DB instance. When you restore a DB instance to a point in time, the default DB security group is applied to the new DB instance. If you need custom DB security groups applied to your DB instance, you must apply them explicitly using the AWS Management Console, the AWS CLI modify-db-instance command, or the Amazon RDS API ModifyDBInstance operation after the DB instance is available.
          §  RDS uploads transaction logs for DB instances to Amazon S3 every 5 minutes. To determine the latest restorable time for a DB instance, use the AWS CLI describe-db-instances command and look at the value returned in the LatestRestorableTime field for the DB instance. In the AWS Management Console, this property is visible as the Latest restore time for the DB instance. You can restore to any point in time during your backup retention period.
          §  Only automated backups can be used for point-in-time DB instance recovery, up to 5 min in time using txn logs and a snapshot. During recovery – txnlogs applied to most recent backup. For MySQL this is only supported on InnoDB.
          §  Only default DB parameters and Sec Gr are restored – need to re-apply other change manually
          §  Can't restore back into existing DB – need to create a new db instance for this. A new DB endpoint is created for this – re-point your app to it
          §   Can change storage type during restore

AWS RDS Manual Backup
-         No RPO
-         Stored in S3. If you delete the RDS, the manual backups remain! Need to remove manually.
-         Can be shared directly w other AWS accounts

Automatic Backups vs Database Snapshots
-         The automated backup feature of Amazon RDS enables point-in-time recovery of your DB instance
-         DB Snapshots are user-initiated and enable you to back up your DB instance in a known state as frequently as you wish, and then restore to that specific state at any time

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