Sunday, July 19, 2020

Elasticache - Memcached, Redis

-         In memory key/value data store
-         Extremely fast – improves query turn arounds
-         Integrates with CloudWatch
-         Runs on EC2 – as a fully managed service
-         Cannot access cache via internet or from another EC2. Access only by applications
-         EC2s – On-demand or Reserved, but not Spot
-         Need do set up security groups and Subnet groups
-         Elasticache nodes are run in clusters in a single subnet group but can span multiple subnets in that group
-         Clusters have endpoints (URL) – preferred access method over IP
-         Caching engines:
          §  Memcached – cache, not a DB/ data store, non-persistent
          §  Redis – fastest NoSQL, can be used as a data store – persistent
                 §  In-memory data structure store used as database, cache and message broker. ElastiCache for Redis offers Multi-AZ with Auto-Failover and enhanced robustness.
          §  Can’t mix/match caching engines in a cluster – either Memcached or Redis
-         Caching techniques:
          §  Lazy loading
          §  Write through
          §  Add TTL

-         Non-persistent: Node fails – data lost
-         Great as database cache
-         Cluster: 1-20 nodes; Max 100 nodes per region
-         Integrates with SNS - can send notifications on node failures
-         Can scale out – horizontally – by adding nodes to a cluster
-         Can scale up – vertically – by switching to a higher-end node type
          §  No mechanism to migrate data (unlike on Redis) – the upgraded cluster starts afresh
-         No multi-AZ failover. To work around – can manually create Memcached clusters in different AZ and partition the data cross

-         Persistent – can be used as DB/data store, not just cache
-         Allows for taking of snapshots (manual and automatic into S3)
-         Can restore from back up into a cluster
-         Can have a primary and read-only replica – with asynchronous replication
-         Can’t do read/writes while snapshot is being taken. Best practice – take snapshot from replica
-         Snapshots – automated and manual. Delete cluster – automated ones go, manual persist
-         To launch a cluster copy in another region:
          §  Create snapshot into S3 locally
          §  Export snapshot into another region S3
          §  Launch cluster from the snapshot in another region
          §  This would often be faster than crating an empty cluster and waiting for the application to populate it
-         Multi-AZ – can have a read replica in another region
-         Shard –  collection of 1 to 6 Redis nodes; 
1 read/write primary node; 1-5 read replicas; replicas can be in multiple AZs
-         Cluster mode
          §  disabled – one shard max
          §  enabled – up to 15 shards (Multi-AZ failover is required and automatically enabled)
-         Multi-AZ Failover
          §  Detected automatically
          §  Most up to date replica is promoted to become Primary
          §  Endpoint DNS record is re-pointed to the new IP
          §  Other replicas synch from the new primary

-         ElastiCache for Redis also provides optional encryption features for data on clusters:
-         In-transit encryption encrypts your data whenever it is moving from one place to another, such as between nodes in your cluster or between your cluster and your application
-         At-rest encryption encrypts your on-disk data during sync and backup operations
-         Using Redis AUTH command can improve data security by requiring the user to enter a password before they are granted permission to execute Redis commands on a password-protected Redis server
-         To require that users enter a password on a password-protected Redis server, include the parameter --auth-token with the correct password when you create your replication group or cluster and on all subsequent commands to the replication group or cluster

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