Tuesday, July 7, 2020

Transit Gateway

Transit Gateway:        
-        https://docs.aws.amazon.com/vpc/latest/tgw/what-is-transit-gateway.html
-       Transit hub for interconnecting VPCs as well as on-premise networks
-      -       REGIONAL resource, not global – but can work across accounts
-        Example: Can establish one VPN from home n/w to Transit G/w, then access to all connected VPCs
-        Can control who talks to whom via route table entries on Transit G/w and each VPC
-        Can attach the following to the gateway:
o   VPC
o   AWS Direct Connect Gateways
o   VPN
o   Peered Transit Gateways
-        Each Transit G/w is associated w 1 Route Table
-        Transit G/w Route Table - solves transitive peering!
-        1 per VPC by default, but can add multiple
-        Dynamic/static routes to other VPCs/VPNs
-      -        Anything attached gets an entry in  the route table by default
-      -        Dynamic Propagation - can configure VPC to propagate all its routes to the Transit G/w. But can have static routes also. VPN would propagate via BGP.
-      -        Direct links (comms?) can’t connect directly into the Transit G/w - need Direct Connect gateway 

         Without Transit Gateway:Without using AWS Transit Gateway
With Transit Gateway:
    With AWS Transit Gateway

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