Monday, July 20, 2020

Elastic Beanstalk

Elastic Beanstalk
-         Easy way to deploy applications without worrying about infrastructure provisioning. It offers:
          §  Capacity provisioning
          §  Load balancing
          §  Scaling
          §  App health monitoring
-         When you deploy your application, Elastic Beanstalk builds the selected supported platform version and provisions one or more AWS resources, such as Amazon EC2 instances, to run your application
-         supports applications developed in Go, Java, .NET, Node.js, PHP, Python, and Ruby
-         does NOT provide same level of granularity and control as CloudFormation or OpsWorks
-         can build a platform on Beanstalk or Import a platform
-         Beanstalk creates an environment – not a stack
-         Storage is non persistent – need to build your application to save data outside of Beanstalk if need data persistence (S3, DynamoDB, RDS, EBS)
-         Can rebuild an environment if needed (ex: if removed an EC2 by accident) – all apps killed; data lost
-         Application - logical collection of Elastic Beanstalk components, incl. environments, versions, environment configurations, logs - conceptually similar to a folder
-         Application version refers to a specific, labeled iteration of deployable code for a web application. An application version points to an S3 object that contains the deployable code, such as a Java WAR file.
-         Environment – a version that is deployed onto AWS - a collection of AWS resources running an application version. Each environment runs only one application version at a time
-         Environment Tier - designates the type of application that the environment runs, and determines what resources Elastic Beanstalk provisions to support it
          §  Ex: an application that serves HTTP requests runs in a web server environment tier. An environment that pulls tasks from an Amazon Simple Queue Service (Amazon SQS) queue runs in a worker environment tier.
-         Environment configuration - identifies a collection of parameters and settings that define how an environment and its associated resources behave
-         Configuration template – environment config, starting point

-            AWS Services with Root Privileges
          §  Elastic Cloud Compute (EC2)
          §  Elastic MapReduce (EMR)
          §  Elastic BeanStalk.
          §  Opswork
Elastic Beanstalk flow

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