Thursday, July 9, 2020

EC2 Service Status Checks

EC2 Service Status Checks

-         Built-in feature that allows other services monitor EC2 health
-         Service checks run every 1 minute on every running EC2
-         Basic Monitoring Enabled - send metrics into CloudWatch every 5 min by default
          § Check – 1 min, Send – 5 min
-         Identify host health – h/s, s/f issues; pass/fail
-         Single check fails – set instance status "Impaired"
-         Built in feature that cannot be altered/disabled
-         Can have CloudWatch initiate action – reboot, etc. OR AutoScaling group take an action
-         If EBS backed EC2 is Impaired – can AWS try to stop/start on a different host (Instance-store can’t be stopped)

EC2 Monitoring
-         EC2 Basic Monitoring - run checks every 1 min, send metric data to CloudWatch every 5 min (enabled by default, free)
-         Detailed monitoring - send metric data very 1 minute. Can be enabled while EC2 is running. Costs money.
-         Can use CloudWatch to Reboot/Terminate/Restart/Add another instance

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