Monday, July 20, 2020

ECS – Elastic Container Service

ECS – Elastic Container Service
- A highly scalable, fast, container management service that makes it easy to run, stop, and manage Docker containers on a cluster
VM – abstraction of physical host hardware, OS + application
-         Container – standalone light-weight executable package of a piece of software and all its dependencies
          §  Multiple containers run on same machine sharing a kernel
          §  a valid security concern with the technology exists
          §  advantage of smaller size, faster boot up, mobility (all libraries, runtimes and dependencies are included)
-         Docker - can run baremetal host and a VM – cloud friendly
-         Orchestrator – software to spin off containers, manage inter-container virtual network, etc.
-         Kubertentes – free, open source
-         ECS serverless service that runs Docker in a cluster using the Fargate launch type
Launch types
-         Fargate launch type - allows you to run your containerized applications without the need to provision and manage the backend infrastructure. Just register your task definition and Fargate launches the container for you. Serverless.
-         EC2 launch type – use if need to manage the EC2 resources, elasticity, etc. allows for more flexibility. Uses ECS Container Instances – EC2 with a Container Agent

-         A task definition is required to run Docker containers in Amazon ECS
-         REGIONAL service – cluster can span multiple AZs in a single region
-         Image registries – dockerHub, AWS ECR; for best results – build your application container-friendly from inception
-         Docker file – script, set of instructions
-         Docker image – read only, “docker build”
-         Task definition – file, JSON – describes 1-10 containers, blueprint of an application       
          §  Expects appropriate Docker images to be available in Registries
-         Task scheduler – manages task launches, communicated with Agent on ECS Container Instances/Agents
-         Agent runs Tasks, downloads Images, feeds resource utilization info to EC2 service

Roles / credentials
-         Container IAM role – needs to be created for the container instances to define what AWS APIs are permitted for the container. Very granular – set per container, usually includes bare minimum that a container needs
-         Task IMA Role – level up - permissions on the task level; gets set on task definition – all containers in the task will inherit. “Amazon EC2 Container Service Task Role

-         Credentials are isolated – credentials are defined by roles; this ensures a task can access only a specific set of credentials
-         Audit – CloudTrail logs all events

-         An Amazon ECS cluster is a logical grouping of tasks or services
-         REGIONAL
-         Can contain both Fargate and EC Type launched tasks
-         EC2 launch types can consist of different EC types
-         An EC2+Agent instance can be part of only ONE cluster

Load Balancer
-         All containers in a task are launched on same EC2 Container Instance
-         All or a subset of container in a task can be associated with a Classic Load Balancer
-         Only one ELB per service/task
-         Can setup containers in a task to use a dedicated port each – and then have a CLB loud-balance across ports
-         RECCOMENDATION – not to have single load balance work across multiple tasks. One container going offline can remove the entire task from the balancer.

Diagram showing architecture of an Amazon ECS environment using the
                    Fargate launch type.

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